Available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Jealous Partner’ featuring Amelia Jane Rutherford Jealous Partner – As soon as Amelia and her partner arrive home from a night out at the local pub she is giving him grief for talking to other women and ignoring her. The problem is it’s all in her imagination and he […]

Available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Taking Liberties’ featuring Lucy Lauren & Chris Summers Taking Liberties – Lucy is in trouble when she is called in to the office by her boss Chris Summers. Chris thinks Lucy has been taking liberties because of their friendship and turning up late, not working as hard as she […]

Available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘What Have You Done’ featuring Chloe & Chris Summers What Have You Done – Chloe is in trouble with her partner Chris when she gets home from the supermarket having damaged the car by reversing in to another vehicle in the car park. Chris is really annoyed as this […]

Available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Deny Responsibility’ featuring Amelia Jane Rutherford & Zoe Page Denying Responsibility – Amelia scrapes her boss’s car when parking her car in the car park but instead of owning up to it she denies responsibility but is caught out by CCTV of the incident. After work she has to […]