Now available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Paying Attention’ featuring Amelia Jane Rutherford & Zoe Page Paying Attention – When partners Amelia and Zoe arrive home from a night out an argument quickly ensues because Amelia has spent most of the night ignoring Zoe and instead talking to friends. There is only one why this […]

Now available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Over My Knee’ featuring Amelia Jane Rutherford Over My Knee – Amelia is in big trouble with her partner because she opened an e-mail from a friend despite the anti-virus software telling her not to with the inevitable consequences. It’s not the first time that Amelia has been […]

Now Available At Our Spanking Library Store

Now Available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Teacher Training’ featuring Amelia Jane Rutherford Teacher Training – Amelia is in trouble when single parent Mr White calls round to confront her about the corporal punishment she administered to his daughter. It turns out that she did this without getting authorization first and is in serious trouble. […]

Now Available At Our Spanking Library Store

Now Available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Punishment After Hours’ featuring Amelia Jane Rutherford & Zoe Page Punishment After Hours – Amelia is in big trouble after taking money from the petty cash without permission and rather than leaving the company she has agreed to accept corporal punishment. After work she has to prepare herself […]