Available At Our Spanking Library Store

Available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Drugs Bust’ featuring Amelia Jane Rutherford & Miss Lina

Drugs Bust – Amelia has been spotted coming out of a house that is under observation for drug dealing. A Police officer visits Amelia’s home to carry out a search. Drugs are found hidden in her clothing and she […]

Available At Our Spanking Library Store

Available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘The Correction Administrator (Part 2)’ featuring Andi Switch

The Correction Administrator (Part 2) – Andi is caught texting whilst driving by the authorities and is sent to the Correction Administrator to receive a good beating with hand, paddle strap and cane to teach her the error of her […]

Available At Our Spanking Library Store

Available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘The Correction Administrator (Part 1)’ featuring Jadie Reece

The Correction Administrator (Part 1) – Young Jodie has been found guilty of drug possession and sentenced to corporal punishment and an appointment with the correction administrator. Once Jodie has been stripped naked the correction administrator puts her over the […]

Now Available At Our Spanking Library Store

Now Available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Teachers Lesson’ featuring Amelia Jane Rutherford

Teachers Lesson – School teacher Amelia Jane Rutherford is in trouble with the headmistress because she has been spanking some of the girls in her class without authorisation. Some of the parents have complained to the headmistress and Amelia is given […]